I am a firm believer in the fact that God created each of us uniquely to fulfil specific roles in life. Basically we are all designed with purpose in mind and one of the greatest places to be is in the perfect plan of God, fulfilling that purpose. Doing what you are created to do. Just like fish exists perfectly and effortlessly in water.

Being a first time mom in my late 30s has been a unique experience. I think I can confidently say I have gone through a life altering experience. When people ask me what motherhood is like, my response has been, its a lot of work, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Not only do I feel this way, but as I have spoken to other mothers, they totally resonate with my sentiments around it.

As hard as it is, I derive so much joy from being a mother. But why? … One day it hit me. 

My husband typically does the drop off for daycare in the mornings, while I do the pick-up. One morning, I decided I would drop our princess off. I had been up for a few hours overnight and I could have just handed off to my husband but I was actually so excited to take her to daycare. Even when I am tired, I want to take care of her, it’s such a surreal experience. 

I remember when I was still pregnant and experiencing the typical new mother anxieties, I remember thinking- ‘what am going to do with this child’. I truly didn’t know if I will play the role well. But in Gods divine design, I saw myself just fit perfectly in the role. Its an amazing experience.

That morning ..I thought, that is exactly what walking in divine purpose feels like. No matter how tired you are- you would still do it because It gives you great joy and its not really about you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, lead me into my divine purpose. Don’t let me linger outside of your plan and purpose for my life. In Jesus name. Amen.

About the Author: Kemi

Kemi Akindutire is an expert in Project Management, Program Management, Executive Coaching, Performance Management, Human Capital Management, Organizational Development, and Change Management. She leverages her expertise and experience of over 18 years of professional and business leadership in corporate America and various non-profit organizations to create solutions for her individual and corporate clients.

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