Often times we have dreams, visions, plans or goals – call it whatever you need to. Its exciting because new things tend to bring excitement and freshness. Then we start making moves on those plans because we have that assurance from God that the vision, dream is based on the promise you received from God. We move confidently knowing God is surely with us so we start moving in obedience, but things don’t seem to work out the way we expected. We then wonder, what went wrong? Did I hear God wrong? Did I not hear at all? Was it just a figment of my imagination? Well, lets take a look at Isaac, the son of Abraham in Genesis 26: 2 God reaffirmed the promise of the blessing and abundance which was promised to his father, Abraham and instructed him to stay in the land of the Philistines – Gerar. He heard a clear word from God. Stay here and I will bless you (Paraphrased)
Fast forward to verse 12, the blessing and abundance was so obvious that it attracted jealousy and strife in Gerar and he was sent out of the country to the valley. In the valley he started prospering and found fresh water there- he was attacked by the shepherds there and they claimed the well that his servant built. He moved to another location. It was not until he moved to the third location that there was no dispute over the well that his servants dug and he was able to settle there and experience prosperity. He called that place Rehoboth meaning – “Open Space”
As I reflect on this story, I see the well digging experience as the dreams, visions – maybe a business, ministry or initiative that you know you have been called to pursue. You might have tried the first, 2nd or third time and have been disappointed due to opposition, fear, lack of knowledge, lack of wisdom or your own mistakes. The Holy Spirt is saying – try again! Don’t give up. God’s original intention for your life is still His plan. Gather your momentum and try again. You will find your place. His promises never die. As you keep pressing on and holding to that promise – you will find your ‘Open Space” designed for you to prosperity – spirit, soul and body to the praise of His glory.